10 Signs That Someone is Losing Interest in You
Amisha Verma
. 3 min read
Has a close relationship in your life ended because you have lost interest in them or they lost interest in you? Is there an important relationship you are worried might be in danger of falling apart because the other person no longer feels as strongly for you as they once did? There may be instances when, in a relationship, you feel as though your man's interest is declining or that he is bored with the connection. Such circumstances may cause you to question the state of your relationship and whether or not your ideas are guiding you correctly. Here are telltale signs that can help you determine whether someone is losing interest in you.
1 They talk to you less
Think back on your last few conversations with this person. When your interest in someone fades, you feel less attached to them and less inclined to involve them. You stop telling them things, sharing news with them, or divulging your secrets with them because you just do not feel as close to them as you once did.
2 They act differently around you
Are they acting more distant and casual about your friendship, or have they suddenly become polite and obliging losing their usual sense of humor and playfulness? Another clear sign someone is losing interest in you is if they start to act differently around you. They can either be a bit more dismissive and aloof or awkward and tense but either way, it means that something in your relationship has changed and they do not know how to be around you anymore.
3 They do not reach out anymore
They do not text you or call you first. They never initiate contact or plan the things for you to do together and sometimes they even disappear for days on end without a warning or an explanation. They never
4 They stop asking questions
Has their attentive attitude towards you suddenly vanished into thin air? It is only natural to be curious and inquisitive about the people you are interested in or care about whether it is your friends family members or romantic partners. So if someone special in your life has stopped asking you questions lately it may mean that they no longer feel you are worth their time or attention.
5 They are no longer responsive
How do they respond when you tell them about something amazing that just happened to you? You text them a long, heartfelt message, pouring out your feelings to them, and they leave you red. A lack of responsiveness is a very telling sign that someone is losing interest in you. They do not return your calls or messages they cut your conversation short they answer you vaguely and they always act like they are in a hurry to leave.
6 Everything seems one sided
If you find yourself alone responsible for maintaining the relationship it is a clear indication that the person is losing interest. You might start noticing his absence and lack of initiative to move the relationship forward. They often withdraw their effort rapidly making their lack of attention unmistakable.
7 They stop making an effort
When someone stops making an effort to see you and keep you in their life, they are sending you a message that they no longer want a relationship with you. They do not make time to see you or talk to you anymore because they are not as invested in the relationship as they used to be. So if you start to feel that you are the only one holding on, it might be time to let go.
8 They cancel plans and make excuses
They always cancel the plans at the last minute and make excuses for it. This not only conveys a lack of respect and consideration but also a lack of interest. So when someone often cancels on even the most important plans, even though you have repeatedly told them about it ahead of time, you know that they just do not care about you or your feelings as much as they do about their own fun and excitement.
9 They prioritize other people
Social media makes it easier to find out what our friends are up to when you are not with them. They tell you that they can not see you because they are too busy, but somehow they always seem to find a way to spend time with others just close to shell maybe they no longer consider you an important person in their life and
10 They have found someone else
Does it seem like they enjoy spending time with someone else more than you? Do they look happier and have more fun with them than they do when you are together? It is painful to see the person we love, be it romantically or platonically, move on with someone else. But if they no longer want to be with you, maybe it is time to let them go and find someone else who deserves you and truly appreciates you.
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