10 Sure Signs Your Ex Wants You Back


Amisha Verma

. 3 min read


Sometimes your ex may show signs that they are still emotionally engaged and maybe interested in getting back in the relationship. Understanding their intentions and deciding whether there is a possibility for rekindling the connection will depend on your awareness of these indicators. You might have resolved your issues sooner and remained together if you had known they felt the same way, or maybe you did not want to reunite. You could have let them know that things could not work out again if you had caught the signs they were giving off about their unrequited love.

Here are ten proven indicators that your ex might be interested in having you again

1 They also exhibit open body language and mimic your own

When you act and gesture like someone else it usually indicates that you like them. The chameleon effect refers to this imitation of others, and it might be a more subliminal approach to indicate your preference for someone. People favor those who resemble them. Indicators that your ex may still have affection for you include highly open body language, maintaining eye contact, and imitating your actions.

2 They often evoke cherished shared memories

Imagine you run into or meet up with your ex at a pub. What topics do you two often discuss? If your ex is always sharing happy memories with you it may be a sign that they also miss the times they spent with you. They want you to recall what made your relationship work and what was fantastic about the two of you.

3 They maintain a friendship after your breakup

Even after you split up they stay buddies. Although some couples may remain friends after a breakup, if you find yourself chatting with them more than your other friends, you may already be or be moving toward being more than friends. Before attempting to get back together with you, your ex could be attempting to get in touch with you again as a friend. What's to keep you from getting together in the future if you work as friends and were formerly close?

4 They enquire about you from others

There could be a valid reason why your ex has started contacting you recently. Your ex is probably attempting to find out if you two are still together or, more likely, whether you still miss them.

Don't be shocked if your friends and relatives come knocking on your door to make amends if you let them know that you do miss them.

5 They text or call you while they drunk

After a long and hard day, you are relaxing in bed when all of a sudden your phone lights up. When you reach out, your ex has sent a fresh text. It seems that 3 AM messages may indicate anything other than a drunken stupor. Their inebriated messages indicate that they are thinking about you and according to a 2011 research the most popular excuse being inebriated just gives individuals more bravery to communicate their true feelings.

Drunken phone conversations are used by people to disclose their sentiments, particularly romantic ones. If your ex called you while intoxicated their actual emotions for you could have come out, and the alcohol gave them the strength to tell you.

6 They likes and comments to your social media posts

They still like and comment on everything you publish on social media. Your ex may be dropping signals if you see them commenting more now than they did when you were together. They could wish to be more than simply buddies if they are complimenting your social media postings.

7 They are not moving on

If they still initiate contact frequently or reach out for non-essential reasons it could be a sign they want to keep a connection. Neither are they dating nor experimenting with anything fresh in life. It shows that they have not completely let go of the emotions, memories or events they shared.

8 They let you know that they are taking action to change

Has your ex started acting differently after you broke up? They're seeing some interesting developments in their lives and making an effort to let you know about them. They write about their personal development on social media or contact you casually to let you know that they have changed the negative behaviors that used to irritate you. It can be an indication they are changing for you if they want you to know about it first and foremost.

9 They are always available to you

Do they react as quickly as they should when you text them? Do they still give you their time, attention, and guidance even if your relationship is over? This could indicate they have not fully let go of the feelings, memories, or experiences shared with their former partner.

10 They try to make you jealous

They can be trying to test whether you still care about them or to set up a response that reveals your emotional involvement by trying to inspire envy. Whether your ex is attempting to make you jealous by showcasing their social life, flaunting a new relationship, or quietly boasting it might be their method of calling your attention. They would want comfort knowing they still affect you emotionally.

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