6 Habits That Smart People Always Avoid


Amisha Verma

. 2 min read


What comes to mind when you think of an intelligent person? You could believe that people use books as exams and succeed but what if the reverse were true? What do they keep away from? Smart people should avoid developing certain habits to maintain their well-being, productivity, and relationships. Here are five things bright people never do to aid in answering this question.

1 They never get complacent

Though complacency may be worse than worrying, you may assume that worrying is a negative mental habit. Anxiety levels were linked to high verbal intelligence in research published in the journal Personality and Individual Variations.

The authors claim that intelligent individuals analyze every event in great depth to acquire understanding and plan for the future, even at the risk of worrying excessively. So while they know that a relaxed Hakuna Matata attitude might be emotionally satisfying, it may not be a smart way to navigate an unpredictable world.

2 They do not dwell on the past

It may not be the best strategy for navigating an uncertain environment. People with intelligence do not obsess about the past. Do you still experience anxiety from the past? Although earlier research on personality and individual differences discovered that clever individuals are more worried, there was one exception to their anxieties, and that is the fact that they do not linger on past occurrences.

The same research found that persons with high nonverbal intelligence make accurate interpretations of events the first time around, eliminating the need for further review. They understand that concentrating on the past just prolongs their emotional suffering and does not provide them with any fresh knowledge that will aid them in the present.

3 They do not listen to repetitive, cheerful music

What kind of music would you say is associated with intelligence? You may be astonished to learn that intellectual individuals really like sad music if you were to think of highbrow classic music. Highly intelligent individuals prefer to avoid happy music with repeated melodies and traditional patterns, according to study from the University of Bologna. Or, to put it another way, your typical upbeat Top 40 single. They are aware that these straightforward songs fall short of their needs for profound emotional resonance and musical originality.

4 They do not loiter

How much of your day do you spend vegging out on the couch? Although you would think that intellect is only determined by your cerebral habits, physical habits are as important. Intelligent people often recognize the value of time and prefer to spend it on activities that contribute to their goals of learning or personal growth rather than idling or engaging in aimless activities. Intelligent people always avoid these situations.

5 They do not drink or smoke

Intelligent people avoid drinking and smoking because they understand the negative impacts these bad habits can have on their health and overall well-being. Research that followed the life paths of Swedes and was published in the Journal of Applied Psychology discovered a high correlation between intellect and the avoidance of alcohol and cigarettes. Later in life, major medical disorders had a much-decreased prevalence due to this.

6 They do not rely on others

Intelligent individuals generally have great problem-solving abilities and a thorough awareness of many circumstances that help them to meet the difficulties alone. Since they believe they can solve problems, they might want to depend just on their knowledge and abilities.

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