Types of People You Should Avoid in a Relationship


Amisha Verma

. 2 min read


Have you ever dated someone who turned out to be a bad fit? It is not always easy to know what to anticipate when meeting new people, an explosive and reactive dating may seem like a minefield at times. In relationships, there are certain types of individuals whose behaviors and characteristics can be detrimental or harmful. Here are some possible pitfalls to avoid while getting to know someone new that might be helpful. 

1 Those who dump their feelings on others

Emotional dumpers, as the name implies, just want to be in a relationship so they can dump their feelings. If you are dating someone who tends to dump their emotions on others you will likely receive a constant stream of complaints about their problems.

They would not listen to you if you attempted to provide a solution. They have a penchant for reveling in their agony and self-pity. You should carefully consider how much emotional dumping you can handle. 

2 Those who need to be held all the time

There are several causes of possessiveness in people. The dread of being abandoned by you might be the result of anxieties or bad experiences in prior relationships. They can be disappointed if you do not live up to their romantic expectations. Because of the high risk of feeling stifled in a relationship with an extreme perfectionist it is recommended that you steer clear of such a person if you value your privacy and autonomy.

 A perfectionist is someone who feels compelled to always push himself to improve, even if doing so causes harm to others or gets in the way of developing meaningful connections with them. Extremely often, perfectionists experience alternating feelings of anxiety and relief. Someone who is an extreme perfectionist may be very difficult to please always on the lookout for faults or issues, and possessive and controlling.

3 The Narcissist 

Wenever people discuss potential partners to avoid, this topic usually comes up. Narcissists are notoriously self-absorbed, judgemental, and egocentric. People like this may be exhausting because they want you to share their idealized vision of who they are and what they have accomplished in life.

 You will be hard-pressed to find a narcissist who demonstrates true compassion. They prioritize their needs and desires above yours often dismissing or belittling your feelings. They can also not take responsibility for their actions or admit errors.

4 The poisonous talker

Has a significant other ever told you I fight with you because I love you? The person you are seeing may be a toxic communicator. Those folks will have a hard time giving you any regard. Instead, they'll dispute back and forth with you, never giving you a chance to explain yourself. Someone like this can judge your devotion based on how much disrespect you tolerate from them. 

5 The Controlling Person

From your social contacts to personal decisions, a controlling partner generally tries to rule any element of your life. They could employ guilt, manipulation or even threats to stay in charge. This action compromises your freedom and might cause psychological and emotional pain. They always try to control you. They may try to limit your interactions with friends and family.

6 Abusive person

An abusive partner uses fear and harm to exert control which is dangerous and erodes your self-esteem and sense of safety. Abuse can be physical, emotional or verbal. Seeking help and leaving such relationships is crucial. It is essential to get help and leave such relationships behind.

7 Alcoholic Person

Relationships with someone who has an alcohol dependency can be emotionally taxing, leading to stress, anxiety and emotional distress. An alcoholic partner is unable to be trusted. Dealing with an alcoholic partner in a relationship can be extremely challenging and distressing. Read more about red flags in a relationship that should be look out for.

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